Personal legal expenses insurance could help you and your family with a number of legal issues, depending on what cover you have. This site can help you learn about legal expenses insurance, how to get it, and how to use it if you have it.
See what we offer to our people
Legal expenses insurance can help you with a number of legal issues affecting your business.
News and analysis from our experts
Many brokers and law firms have chosen to partner with DAS. Here you can find out why our partners choose us, and how you can join them.
We've now made it even easier for customers to make a claim. Here you can find out how.
Helen* was concerned about some work a neighbour was doing to their property which affected her boundary. She called our legal advice helpline for advice.
Helen’s story is about a problem with her neighbour’s renovation work. The contractors are trespassing and she is concerned about potential damage to her property as a result.
Helen had access to the DAS 24/7 legal advice line as part of an optional staff benefits package she was offered by her employer.
Helen’s neighbour problems haven’t yet required further legal action. Helen can call back as many times as she likes to discuss this, or any other personal legal issue, with our qualified legal advisers using our 24/7 telephone legal advice helpline.
Legal helpline
*This is an account of a real claim. The customer’s name has been changed to protect their privacy.
Allan’s story